Chorister Registration Form 2023-2024

Please fill out this form for each child you are registering, and click submit. Thank you.
The Choristers are our youth choir here at Christ's Church Rye, comprised of singers ages 7-14. The immersive program conducted by Music Director and Choir Master, Dr. Evelyn DeGraf, teaches the art of choral singing with a focus on vocal technique and music literacy, and prepares each singer to share their voice with confidence and joy. The Choristers participate in Sunday worship once to twice per month at the 10:00am service and also sing for special events such as the annual ChoirFest or the Christmas Pageant. Retreats, masterclasses, and field trips are also a big part of the Chorister experience, contributing tremendously to individual growth and a tight social bond. Weekly rehearsals take place on Mondays from 3:30pm-5:00pm in the Choir room. All Choristers must be able to attend the full 90-minute rehearsal. Choristers-in-training will split their time between the Cherub and Chorister choirs until they are ready to be vested and move up to become a full Chorister.  

The Chorister registration fee is $200 for the first child which covers classes from September 11th 2023 - June 3rd 2024 (32 rehearsals plus retreats and field trips) and includes expenses for sheet music, music theory books, and choir robing. If enrolling a sibling, the second child will receive a 50% discount (all other siblings enrolled will be free).  If family members are enrolled in our Adult Choir program, all music program registration fees will be waived. To apply for a financial scholarship, please contact Dr. DeGraf at

Once you complete this form, please submit payment via check payable to Christ's Church Rye or Venmo to ChristsChurch-Rye (Memo: Choristers 2023-2024) by September 18th, 2023.

Please select one option.
If anyone other than yourself may be picking up your child, please provide their contact details below
I grant Christ's Church Rye, its representative and employees, the right to livestream masses and other church events that my child is participating in, and to use both videos and photographs of my child participating in the CCRye music program for purposes such as publicity and promotion.
Please select one option.
If you have any questions regarding the Choristers, please contact Dr. Evelyn DeGraf at
The Rev. Kate Malin, Rector
The Rev. Ryan Zavacky, Curate
Christ's Church Rye - 2 Rectory Street Rye, NY 10580, (914) 967-1749,


Please fill out this form for each child you are registering, and click submit. Thank you.